Cleaning Stained Bed Pillows
No one likes looking at the yellow stains that pillows get over time as people sweat and drool on them in their sleep. These stains make...
Dryer Fire Hazard
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, more than 15,000 fires are sparked every year by clothes dryers! If your dryer...
Is Your Refrigerator Running...?(too much)
A simple first step before calling out the repairman is to vacuum the coils. Here is a simple how to:
First "cold pantries" not built by General Electric but by General Motors!
Refrigerators have come a long way and this Frigidaire was built not by General Electric, but by General Motors!
Cloudy, Spotty Dishes? Here's the fix!
DISHWASHER RECIPE FOR SPARKLING CLEAN DISHES DETERGENT- Powerball QUANTUM: Must be Quantum!-Place tablet in soap dispenser. RINSE AID-Jet...